
Showing posts from May, 2008

Bull Nettle Flower

I spent time outside this weekend, on the family farm and a couple of bike rides. My favorite wild flowers may be the prickly pear flower and the bull nettle flower which are both blooming now. If I were to write sonnets, the maidens would have skin as white and soft as the bull nettle flower. One of the common names for the bull nettle is Mala Mujer which translates to evil woman. Perhaps I should write that sonnet, the pretty flower on the poisonous plant named after an evil woman…… Hope all you Moms had a great day.

RAGRAI anyone?

I have continued at the gym and with cycling. Maybe, I have permanently changed my diet, I don't miss what I have given up and I feel better. Down to around 180 and planning on dropping another 20 lbs by mid summer. I have talked about riding in the RAGBRIA for years. I think this is the year. Signed up with my daughter, a neice and a friend. The ride is across Iowa the last week of July covering about 470 miles in 7 days. Last year there about 18,000 riders.