
Showing posts from May, 2010

Cut, Burn or Watch

He who fears something gives it power over him. Moorish Proverb Of my choices - Cut (Surgery), Burn (Radiation) or Watch (Monitor for change) - I have decided burning is best for me. As I have talked to survivors; most involved with support groups had surgery and experienced or are currently experiencing side effects. Maybe the side effects are a constant reminder of the disease and this is why they are involved with the support groups. Could be for many, they hear the word cancer and want it cut out to be rid of it. The survival rate is about the same for radiation and there are usually fewer side effects. Watching or Active Surveillance seems to be mostly for guys older than me, with shorter life spans and more likely to have complications from the procedures themselves. If you are older and the cancer grows slowly, you can probably outlive it. But for me it looks like 8 weeks of radiation. Physicians tell me the only side effect during radiation treatment will be getting a li

Treatments and Support

Symptoms, then are in reality nothing but the cry from suffering organs ~Jean Martin Charcot, translated from French You never know what life is bringing next. Would not have imagined a month ago, I would be spending the day as I did. Met with a Radiation Oncologist, a surgeon and some members of a cancer support group. In spite of the company I kept today or maybe because of it, I feel better today than yesterday. Nancy and the kids went with me for the physician visits. We are all, now quite optimistic about the prognosis. Austin and I went to the support group and this was helpful as well. I will probably continue to attend support group meetings for a while as it was good to talk with guys who had gone through the same experience as me.

4.3 (Life throws a curve)

About 2 months ago I went to a physician because of trouble sleeping. The sleep problem was probably just due to work/life stress and some very long hours. The physician suggested some lab work. It had been 4-5 years since I had any lab work. When she discovered this along with the fact all of my lab work was free because of where I worked, she ordered an extensive battery of tests. Although a PSA would have nothing to do with insomnia, it was ordered also. Everything came back pretty much normal except the PSA. The value was 4.3 (upper limit of normal is 4.0). Next was a visit to my General Practitioner. He and I talked about the assay. He told me how there was controversy about using PSA and GPs aren't trained well for digital exams. Then he had me drop my pants for the exam anyway. He didn't think I should be too concerned. I was placed on a regimen of antibiotics and asked to come by for retesting when completed. It came up in conversation that although there was not much t

Bike Ride at TMS

  In spite of all the predictions for bad weather, it turned out perfect for a bike ride. Cool, cloudy and very light wind. Ride started and ended, for a few hundred riders, in the infeild at Texas Motor Speedway (no speed records broken today). My son rode with me, had a great time and met some interesting folks along the way.

Mothers day gift to myself

Mother's day eve I bought this for myself. I was accused of buying myself a mother's day gift. Old bike is 12 years old with thousands of miles. My kids are both talking about riding with me and maybe doing a Triathlon. They will ride the old bike for a while.

Wild Melons

The things that trigger our memories are fascinating. Driving down the road a couple of days ago and saw a wild melon vine growing down the road cut. All of a sudden I was 10 years old again and eating biscuits with wild melon (pine melon?) preserves at a childhood friend's house. The preserves were thick and very sweet. Been craving them all week.


“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine Vacations and travel are high priorities at our house. Seeing and experiencing different parts of the world/country/state are one of the things I life is all about. When my daughter was about 11 or 12, many of her friends parents purchased the new Lincoln Navigators and Ford Expeditions. We were driving an old Taurus station wagon at the time. She asked "Why don't we get one of those nice new cars?" My response "We crossed two oceans last year. Your friends went to San Antonio." I don't recall her mentioning the cars again.