
Showing posts from August, 2012

Tardy Rabbit

Today on the radio, there was a discussion of a museum exhibit in the Ukraine related to Sleeping Beauty. Started remembering the many children's books and stories I read to my children. As most parents know, children enjoy favorite stories, videos and books again and again.  My daughter must have been about 4 or 5 when I was reading the Disney versions of children's stories to her.  We would usually read the same book over many times at her request.  After several bedtimes readings in a row of Alice in Wonderland at my daughter's request, I decided to get her to tell me the story. "Lauren, we have read this book many times, tell me what the story is about." She didn't miss a beat with her immediate answer "A rabbit was late."

Up in Smoke Prologue

Please read Up in Smoke Blog post first. After reading my post about Jesse and wondering whatever became of him, my old coworker who introduced us contacted me.  Jesse won the election and served as mayor of the town near Austin.  It would be a good ending if this where it ended.  But his life was to take another turn.  My friend/coworker and I searched to find him online.  What we found sadly, was his obituary.  He died way too soon at age 58. Reading through almost a hundred condolences,  praises, accolades, etc., I discovered he had gone on to obtain a Ph.D. and spent many years as a very beloved, respected and very effective elementary school principal. Action is the foundational key to all success. Pablo Picasso

Up in Smoke

"Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth & protection of the country." - Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President Remembering this as we near elections always brings a smile to my face. Back in the 70s I was recently out of college living in Austin working nights in a hospital laboratory.  Realizing that some of my new found friends had much better sound systems, I was inspired to assemble my own, but on a budget.  A coworker/friend who was somewhat of an audiophile helped with this endeavor.  First thing was a trip to the multitude of pawn shops in Killeen near Ft Hood for a receiver and turntable.  Ray then suggested that an acquaintance of his could help me with the speakers.  This is where my story begins. Early one morning after work we went to Jesse's house.  When we arrived he was sound asleep in front of an open window, curtains blowing in the breeze, with his stereo blasting rock music at very slightly below the threshold of pain.  We shook the

What would you do for your dog?

Donald Cyr, Patricia Cyr Drown Trying To Rescue Dog From Lake : "WESTFIELD, Mass. -- A Massachusetts couple boating on a lake drowned after jumping into the water to rescue their dog, who survived." Many of us have devoted dogs.  And, probably many of us would go to at least some risk for our canine best friends.  Very sad story.

Walk in the park

Almost every Saturday and Sunday morning we take the dogs for a walk.  For the past few months we have been walking in the park running between the Rangers and Cowboys stadiums in Arlington.  Last Sunday it was dead calm.  Usually the image of the stadium can't be seen or is very distorted with the lightest of breezes.  On this day it was a reflecting pond.