
Showing posts from June, 2013

Cowboys, Sisters, Rascals and Dirt

About 17 1/2 years ago we acquired a West Highland Terrier puppy.  Our kids were 5 and 8 years old.  At the time we had quite a few CDs of children music.  One of the favorites, Cowboys, Sisters, Rascals and Dirt   was recorded by Waylon Jennings for his son Shooter.  At our son's insistence our new companion became Shooter.  He would have many roles including... playmate for the kids soccer fan chaser of squirrels drinking companion my assistant coach for Destination Imagination Nancy's business partner when consulting from home  favored guest status at Paluxy Once Nancy was sitting in the floor enjoying one of our aquariums, when she realized the lapping sound she had been hearing was from Shooter sharing her glass of red wine as he enjoyed the fish also. Neighbors remember him from the walks through the neighborhood with our cat following 20 feet behind.  Some of our kids' parents will remember he was the dog that peed on their folding chairs at soccer games

Two Bad Words

My ring finger looks like it was dipped in ink after voting in a Mideast election.  Actually, this is the color of a finger after being closed between two sections of a garage door.  Said a few bad words loud enough for the neighbors to overhear and bad enough to be defriended by some of my more prudish Facebook friends. When our son was in daycare many years ago, he came home one day telling us his friend Hunter had gotten in trouble that day for saying two bad words.  According to Austin, Hunter had said two bad words.  Austin, being an analytical 4 year old offered Hunter this advice for staying out of trouble.  "Hunter, next time just say one bad word". Maybe I should have just said one bad word.