
Showing posts from August, 2014


Was almost always a fan of the Beatles.Who doesn't like Hey Jude or Here Comes the Sun. My earworm today however is from one of the songs on the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album. Lyrics keep going through by mind. "....... .will you still need me, will you still feed me when I'm.... ."

Mistaken Identity

While waiting in line to order a burrito at Chipolte, I was mistaken for the summer version of Santa Claus. Girl of about 3 comes in with her mom and breaks out in a big smile and starts waving her arms. The slightly thinner build than winter Santa and short cropped mostly white beard.....  Maybe I am the summer Santa.

Fifty shades of gray

“God is a cloud from which rain fell.”  ―  Dejan Stojanovic ,  The Sun Watches the Sun The sky during morning dog walk just before we started getting wet. Few things feel or smell better than a summer rain in this corner of the world.

Still Life in Real Life

Discovered this on the banks of the Paluxy River. Must have been tossed from a bridge upstream by an art critic of sorts.

Broken Horshoe

Found this broken horseshoe near an abandoned road.  Always try to imagine the time and story of artifacts I run across.  Where were the rider and horse going? What did they look like?  Why is the shoe broken?  Where is my time machine?