
Showing posts from November, 2015

Alice's Restaurant Massacree

 "One God — Many Forms / One River — Many Streams / One People — Many Faces / One Mother — Many Children -Ma"----Sign in the former church of the    "Thanksgiving dinner that can't be beat"  in the song. This sign offers good advice for civilization in today's world. My favorite holiday song and maybe the only one only heard on Thanksgiving. Been listening to this song most Thanksgiving Days for almost 50 years.

Fall Cleaning

You might be a redneck.... Occasionally, I catch myself doing something that would probably cause Jeff Foxworthy to smile and shake his head. As with many garages, mine is mostly a final resting place for things we no longer use in the rest of the house.  Needed to do a little cleaning before the freeze to make room for several large potted plants. The plants survive just fine in the garage with a little light and water. You might be a redneck if you ever cleaned your garage with a leaf blower.