
Showing posts from May, 2018


Almost 2 years ago, I decided to try a different type of physical workout.  Signed up with Camp Gladiator (CG) for "boot camp".  Committed to showing up with a yoga mat and dumbbells for a whole body work out 3 times per week. Realized at my first workout that I was one of a very few participants who was old enough to qualify for Medicare. I was probably in slightly better shape than average for my age, but maybe that doesn't say much for me or the average senior citizen.  I had to walk most of the warm up lap.  Any exercise that involved getting on the ground or up from the ground took me a bit longer, I probably consistently missed the first couple of reps.  At one my first work outs, I was breathing very hard and struggling.  The woman next to me (Amanda) turned to me and reassuring said "It's OK Terry, I am a nurse trained in CPR". I have yet to need it, but a few times might have been pretty close. The work outs can be pretty high impact.  I already