
Showing posts from October, 2018

Unexpected Smile # 1 Buzzards

Driving out of Glen Rose after spending some time with Mom at the Rehab Center. Pictured here are 3 buzzards sitting on top of the sign for Chicken Express. Maybe they were watching for the dead chicken on the sign to fall to the ground.  Or maybe they were offering a subtle review of the restaurant. Whatever the reason, it brought an unexpected smile to my face.

Popping Johnny

From around 1925 to 1960 all John Deere tractors were 2 cylinder. They ran at a relatively low RPM causing the engine sound to be sort of pop pop pop pop sound. The nickname for any of these John Deere tractors became Popping Johnny. In 1955 my dad bought a model 50 as pictured here. Being 5 years old, I was quite excited about this purchase and what 5 year old would not be excited about a new green shiny tractor making a pop pop pop sound. In 1955 most everyone in and around Paluxy received their mail at the Post Office One morning soon after the acquisition, I was with mom at the post office one morning to pick up the mail.   The operator manual for the new tractor happened to be in the car and was my prize possession on this occasion. Although I don’t remember the actual event, two of the local men, Floyd and Ramon saw me with my book and asked about it.   With the imagination and expertise only a