
Showing posts from December, 2018

Oh Say Can You See

“When you read between the lines, you must have bloody good eyesight because I can't see a bloody thing!”  ―  Anthony T.Hincks Had my annual routine eye exam this week.  My eyes are very good for someone in my age bracket.  No trace of glaucoma or age-related macular degeneration and very minimal cataract development. My optometrist says my distance vision has actually improved slightly in the past 12 months.  Any positive change for someone my age is notable. There have been some changes in my life.  Have attended boot camp exercise sessions religiously 3 times per week for the past couple of years with a stretching session at the end of each.  For the past several months, intermittent fasting for about 5 days each week has also become part of my routine.  Also for the past several months, I have gone to a yoga class 1 day per week. Doing a little research on the Internet (thanks Google) indicates all these activities help with vision health.  Seem to see more studies abo