4.3 (Life throws a curve)

About 2 months ago I went to a physician because of trouble sleeping. The sleep problem was probably just due to work/life stress and some very long hours. The physician suggested some lab work. It had been 4-5 years since I had any lab work. When she discovered this along with the fact all of my lab work was free because of where I worked, she ordered an extensive battery of tests. Although a PSA would have nothing to do with insomnia, it was ordered also. Everything came back pretty much normal except the PSA. The value was 4.3 (upper limit of normal is 4.0).

Next was a visit to my General Practitioner. He and I talked about the assay. He told me how there was controversy about using PSA and GPs aren't trained well for digital exams. Then he had me drop my pants for the exam anyway. He didn't think I should be too concerned. I was placed on a regimen of antibiotics and asked to come by for retesting when completed. It came up in conversation that although there was not much to worry about, there were the occasional serious cases of prostate cancer in younger men like Frank Zappa and Dan Fogelberg. When I returned for retest the result was still 4.3. Time for a visit to the urologist.

Quick visit to urologist. Dropped pants again for digital exam (spending way too much time in this position). Urologist says enlarged prostate OK for my age and not abnormal on digital exam, but with a 4.3 PSA and enlargement, a biopsy is indicated. Back the next week for biopsy. Clinic has some kind of new 3D holographic instrument used to make image at time of biopsy. The instrument didn't function quite right and they quickly went to the regular way of getting the biopsy. 12 one inch cores from around the prostate, but not as bad as it sounds.

Back a week later completely expecting normal results. It wasn't. Early stage prostate cancer, probably very treatable and a low likelihood it has spread. Next week I go for meetings with a radiation oncologist and a surgeon. A choice will have to be made between radiation and surgery.

The episodes of insomnia may end up extending my life, because I got screened. More to come from me, but if you are a man or know a man over 40 and especially with any symptoms, get checked. This is one of the leading causes of death in men, but is treatable if caught early.


My Life said…
My husband reached 65 and needed to change insurance companies. Previous doctor had not done a PSA test in 5 years. New woman doctor did, 10.5 PSA, follow up with specialists, biopsy, and bad news. All core samples show cancer, Gleason score of 8. Robotic surgery two weeks later, more bad news, spread outside the prostate. This Thursday he ends the 32 DAILY radiation treatments to take care of the remaining cancer cells. All doctors are positive results will be good, but I can't help but think if it had not been for the new doctor requesting the test..... He had no signs, no problems, no clues. Can't say it enough...MEN GET TESTED!
Unknown said…
I'm so glad it was caught early, Terry!

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