
Showing posts from April, 2012

Fifty Yard Line at the Opera

Mozart’s music is an invitation to the listener to venture just a little out of the sense of his own subjectivity. (Karl Barth)  The Magic Flute by Mozart was simulcast from Dallas Opera at Winspere to Cowboys Stadium on Saturday evening.  The stadium was probably the most impressive place for the opera since the original production at the Vienna Opera House in 1791.  We were at eye level near the fifty yard line and saw the production on the world's largest video screen (from 20 yd line to 20 yd line).  A thoroughly enjoyable experience with many close ups of performers, orchestra, etc.  And the sound was good as well.  You could sit and enjoy while having a snack of typical football fare and beverage. The production took some liberties, introducing Dallas Cowboy references, jerseys, etc. near the end, but you have to think Mozart would have approved and laughed along with everyone else.  I hope there are more simulcasts as this went over very well with the thousands


Oops, wrong number. Received this a couple of days ago.  Will use a friend's phone to respond : )  Probably need to warn Rosie "If Dick's wife is by chance doing the same thing as she, then practice safe sex". Remember the Dick and Jane books we learned to read with?  I am thinking of an adult version with Dick,  Rosie and (Jane?).  Leaving the actual text to your imagination...... See Dick XXXX XXXX Rosie XXXX See Jane XXXX Dick and Rosie

Backyard Critter

Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite and furthermore always carry a small snake. W. C. Fields  a venomous semiaquatic pit viper ( Agkistrodon piscivorus ) chiefly of the southeastern United States that is closely related to the copperhead —called also  cottonmouth, cottonmouth moccasin   Spotted this guy at dusk as I was retrieving a patio torch that had fallen off of a retaining wall of our backyard into the creek.  Remembering the scene from Lonesome Dove, I decided to wait until full daylight to venture into the water.  Shot with a camera phone, just to the right of center at water's edge and measuring between 2 and 3 feet.

A Better Life (2011)

Watch this movie.  It puts a very personal face on the men and women who clean our houses, mow our lawns, bus our tables, etc.  A very poignant look at the life choices of "illegals" in Los Angeles, but it could just as easily be almost any city in the U.S. Regardless of your views of immigration, this movie will give you pause.  And a bonus to the thought provoking movie is the performance of  Demain Bichir which generated award nominations.  He becomes Carlos Galindo.  We will be watching more of his movies.

Tigers Be Still

Review: Tigers Be Still | Dallas Theater Center | Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being. Oscar Wilde This is a very entertaining dramatic comedy. If you are a fan of theater, you should make it a point to see this one. Great writing and well acted.  This is a production to be enjoyed by all.  Many times at the theater there seems to be no one without gray hair in the audience.  Not so for this one, many younger patrons and it was enjoyed by all.