
Showing posts from January, 2013

20 years BC

"A dull pencil is greater than the sharpest memory" arthur unknown BC (before calculators) I remember when I was growing up, many of the farmers and ranchers carried these pocket pencils.  They were the calculator of the day.  And any flat surface would suffice for figuring the cost of a load of hay, how much you owed the hired hands, etc.  Seemed like there were numbers every where; on the faded paint of truck fenders, door frames and many pages of pocket sized note pads.

Great Uncle Terry

My 11 year old great niece interviewed me and wrote this essay for a school assignment.  We had a lot of fun with the interview.  Seems like a perfect addition to the Pulltight Blog. My Great Uncle Terry By: Charlotta M I chose to write this assignment about my Great Uncle Terry because his generation is a lot different than ours and I thought he would be a great person to talk to learn more about his generation.  Uncle Terry grew up on a farm in Paluxy, Texas, with all sorts of animals. It had chickens, pigs, sheep, cows, horses, and even angora goats! Uncle Terry especially liked the baby goats! He says they were adorable! He and his family even fed the baby goats in a little baby bottle full of milk! Living on a farm was a big responsibility though, so Uncle Terry did have to help around the farm too. He helped by gathering the eggs from the chickens (he had to be careful though, because sometimes there was a snake near, and he did not want to be bit!) Once Uncle Terry