
Showing posts from December, 2012

Duck hunting story

The  perils of  duck hunting  are great - especially for the duck.  Walter Cronkite Maybe it was because the first Earth Day was while I was in college or maybe some degree of increased environmental awareness because of the works of the great environmentalists of our day such as Rachel Carson.  Or maybe,  it was just an easier major and kept them in school and out of the draft and Vietnam.  For whatever reason though, there seemed to be a lot of my peers going into some type of wildlife biology.  Most these guys liked to hunt and fish anyway and maybe some field of wildlife biology was the closest thing to making living doing something related to what they loved.  There were not an incredible number of jobs for college graduates in this field.  You could be Park Ranger/Manager of some sort or maybe you could be a Game Warden.   Dwight was a friend from back then.  He was a good ole boy from a small town somewhere.  He and his friend Sam always had some kind of scheme attemp