No Pain No Gain

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. Confucius

Although probably in slightly better shape than the average Medicare recipient, realize I am still pretty out of shape.  Walking, leisurely bike rides (even if over 25 miles), a standing desk and a better than average diet wasn't getting me where I should be. Have committed to spin classes for a year or two on occasion resulting in some lost weight and better cardiovascular condition.  But, this didn't do much for strength, flexibility or helping lose the extra 35 lbs.

Decided to give boot camp a try after hear a presentation by Camp Gladiator.  Just completed week 4.  Going to a camp close to home 3 days a week in the early morning hours. To say I am the oldest and most out of shape, would be an understatement, I describe the camp to friends and coworkers as me, the old guy and a bunch of mostly 30ish women who probably participated in the Olympic trials 4 years ago.

Can only attempt some of the exercises and most always more than a few paces or reps behind. During one particularly difficult (for me) set, the woman next to me turned and encouraged me with "Don't worry Terry, I am trained in CPR".

The trainer insists on taking a photo and posting on FB at the end of every class.  Finally got around to looking at them. He should probably be charged with elder abuse judging by my appearance after an hour of camp.

After 4 weeks I feel a little better and clothes are a little looser. Just enough camaraderie and fun to commit for more. Have a good feeling this adjustment in action steps will finally help me reach my goals.


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