
Showing posts from July, 2014

Venus in Fur

“You have corrupted my imagination and inflamed my blood...”  ―  Leopold von Sacher-Masoch ,  Venus in Furs Probably many friends went to see the opening of 50 Shades of Gray this weekend.   Venus in Fur is the movie they should have gone to see.  Check out the reviews. Based on the Tony award winning play which was based on the book Venus in Furs, written in 1870.    Emmanuelle Seigner, the only actress in the movie, performance is so good you will leave and search for her other movies.  Her husband in real life is Roman Polanski, who directs the movie. Regardless of your opinion of him you should see the movie.  


122.  This afternoon my old worn out car was exaggerating the temperature by over 20 degrees.  It's preference was parked under a shade tree instead of running errands with me.


Saw this movie over the weekend and highly recommend. It is a Polish movie made about a time in the 1960s.  Film is black and white and in a non-wide screen format as if made in the early 60s.  An orphan raised in a convent is about to take her vows to become a nun.  She discovers she is actually Jewish and her parents were killed in the Holocaust.  Her only living relative is an aunt who is an official in the Communist party. Even if you don't normally watch foreign films, this one is to be seen. We saw it at the Fort Worth Modern Art museum.  The movies there usually are not very well attended.  Almost every seat was taken for this one.


You don't need a silver fork to eat good food. Paul Prudhomme c  On a recent trip to Chicago, we had a very good salad at one of the Rosebud restaurants. The results of an attempt at duplicating it at home are pictured here.  Alternating layers fried eggplant, beefsteak tomato, buffalo mozzarella cheese and arugula and then topped with freshly grated pecorino romano cheese.  The dressing is reduced balsamic vinegar. Easy and really tasty.

Where The Wild Things Are

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous. Aristotle A walk in the park near home at dusk on 07/04.  On this day I saw the copperhead snake and a family of raccoons (mom and 6 babies). Pictures are with a cell phone in very low light. Always amazed at the abundance of wildlife in the urban park.  Seems to be a greater density of wildlife than in a similar size rural area. Probably the combination of many picnickers, nearby apartments/houses feeding pets outside, and the river make for a perfect habitat. In this park in the middle of Dallas Fort Worth, I have seen coyotes, bobcats, foxes, turkeys, armadillos, several species of small mammals and a great variety of reptiles.


Went to the very entertaining feel good movie Chef this weekend. Great road trip through places many of you have probably visited. If you like good food, be prepared to leave the theatre lookin for a cuban sandwich.  If you like to cook, check Craigslist for a used food truck.