
“Some trails are happy ones, Others are blue. It's the way you ride the trail that counts…” Happy Trails by Dale Evans “Life is far too important to be taken seriously” by Oscar Wilde is one my favorite quotes. Not sure if Dwayne ever heard this quote, but to all outward appearances he lived his life with this philosophy. Always ready with a joke and a less than serious observation of life’s circumstances. He most times had the smile on his face and the twinkle in his eye of either just pulling something off or just about to. Let’s remember him when we become a little too concerned with the rest of the world. Dwayne was for several years growing up my closest neighbor. We had many adventures as kids and teenagers. And yes he was a cousin too. Someone once remarked that the grandchildren of Ben and Montie Wann didn’t have friends, they just have cousins. And, yes there is a unique bond among this group, but especially wi...