Law of Geography

Paluxy River White Bluff Creek “SIR, SIR” came an urgent shout from some distance behind me. I was standing near the confluence of White Bluff Creek and the Paluxy River on what is sometimes referred to as Flat Rocks with my back to the road traversing the creek without a bridge. It was an early spring morning after a rainstorm the night before. I stopped my car a few minutes earlier to enjoy hearing nothing except the sound of water rushing over the limestone riverbed. About 6 miles upstream from Glen Rose, Texas, and less than a mile from the little patch of land made famous in the book Hard Scrabble by John Graves. Flat Rocks is a nickname given to the fairly flat and usually dry rock formation of a few thousand square feet. It may be that the locals called it flat rocks because the city park in Glen Rose is officially named “Big Rocks”. It was popular as an out of the way place for high schoolers to congregate on weekend nights around campfires many years ago, pe...