School Days

One of my high school teachers, Mrs. C. retired a couple of weeks ago after 44 years of teaching. By my estimation, she must have taught around 1,200 students during that time. She was the business teacher and because the school was small, all students in my day took her classes. We learned our original keyboarding skills on full size manual typewriters. None of us could have predicted that 25 years later, keyboarding skills, would become such a valuable skill for everyday life in the computer age.

There was a reception of sorts at the high school after school one day last week, which was attended by probably over 100 students. Mrs. C. had been my class’s sponsor, advisor and homeroom teacher for several years so our class was particularly close to her. 8 of the 13 students I graduated with were at the reception. Because the school was so small, we obviously knew students well from many other grades and it was fun to see them.

We are not all the same age and state of health anymore. While a few are defying the years, many of us are not doing as well. I left the reception and resolved to improve my diet, exercise more and get a medical check up. So it’s no French fries (or at least not biggie size). I am back on a bicycle a few times a week. And I guess it is time for the dreaded colon exam I keep postponing.


Anonymous said…
Terry, that was good and I went home with the same diet, and exercise intentions...

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