July 20, 2008

59 Miles.

And I thought Iowa was mostly flat. Of the 59 miles today, I read that 52 were uphill. Spin classes paid off.

I will post pictures later, when I can get to a place to download. Friendly people, festivals in every town we pass through just for a start. 18,000 cyclists on the road at one time is amazing, bicycles riding at least 3 or 4 abreast as far as you can see in either direction.

I Met one guy riding a unicycle for the entire 471 miles. Saw a family of 6 on a bicycle built for 6 that could have been designed by Dr Seus himself. One bike club was in costume as pink flamigos.

Festivals of the day included pretty good muscians, with one stop having a pretty decent Elvis impersonator. And food everywhere, there must have been at least one food vendor for every mile of the route. Bicyclers get really hungry.

After day one I would say this is a great way to spend a vacation. It makes me feel bad for all of you that spend your time lounging on the beach or a cruise ship when you could be cycling across Iowa.


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