Did Ivan Pavlov have other pets?

On most weekend days and occassionally through the week, Nancy and I take our dogs for a walk in the Park. 4 Westies from the age of just under 2 to 15 years. The walks are over 2 miles long and because the older dog can't walk so far, we bring a stroller for him. It is one of the 3 wheelers you see joggers pushing. The old dog looks like he thinks he is the king of all dogdom sitting up while being pushed.  So many people stop to take pictures or comment on the dogs, especially the old guy in the stroller, you may have have seen us on You Tube or somebody's FB page.

A good time to solve the problems or mysteries of the world is while you are walking you dogs. My thoughts this morning...

Did Pavlov have other pets? And what did they do when he rang that bell?
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