Fifty Yard Line at the Opera

Mozart’s music is an invitation to the listener to venture just a little out of the sense of his own subjectivity. (Karl Barth)
The Magic Flute by Mozart was simulcast from Dallas Opera at Winspere to Cowboys Stadium on Saturday evening. The stadium was probably the most impressive place for the opera since the original production at the Vienna Opera House in 1791. We were at eye level near the fifty yard line and saw the production on the world's largest video screen (from 20 yd line to 20 yd line). A thoroughly enjoyable experience with many close ups of performers, orchestra, etc. And the sound was good as well. You could sit and enjoy while having a snack of typical football fare and beverage. The production took some liberties, introducing Dallas Cowboy references, jerseys, etc. near the end, but you have to think Mozart would have approved and laughed along with everyone else. I hope there are more simulcasts as this went over very well with the thousands of folks there to see and hear.