Littlest Art Critic
A picture of a Good Humor ice cream truck this week reminded me of a trip to the Guggenheim museum in NYC over 20 years ago. We always took the kids wherever we went. Our daughter was a few months shy of her 2nd birthday when we paid a visit to the Guggenheim. I was carrying her, showing her the art and getting her reaction or lack thereof. We stopped to admire a painting by Chagall and were about 2 feet from the painting. My daughter looked at the painting and almost immediately began blowing raspberries at it.
Evidently this form of critique is frowned upon, as we were quickly approached by a security guard and asked to leave. Nancy and our other traveling companions finished their visit, while Lauren and I went outside to wait.
Still brings a smile to my face when I remember. And, while the rest of you may contemplate the meaning of Chagall's painting; his art always makes me think of my little girl eating ice cream on a warm summer day outside of the Guggenheim.