Song, Dance and Art

If you were to walk into a kindergarten class and ask "Who can sing?" or "Who can dance?", every hand in the room would shoot up.  Walk into a college classroom and ask the same questions and maybe one or two hands will go up. Do we lose our singing and dancing talents?  Wonder what happens to our self confidence or our imaginations?

We went to see the movie Herb and Dorothy 50x50 last week. This is the sequel to Herb and Dorothy. Herb and Dorothy Vogel worked as a postal worker and librarian while accumulating over 5,000 pieces of contemporary art.  They lived in a rent controlled one bedroom apartment in New York and devoted one entire salary to art.  Their collection has been donated, by them, to the Smithsonian. Parts of it can now seen at a museum in each of the 50 United States.  Their story is very interesting for anyone with any interest in art.  I recommend both movies.

A piece of contemporary art is interpreted at least somewhat differently by all who see.  Or some of us as adults don't see anything in much of the art.  Not so with the kindergartners.  In the movie while adults where puzzling over the art, the kids visiting the museums instantly saw something, interpreted its meaning and were eager to share with their friends and the adults. Wonder where our imaginations went?


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