Intolerant of Intolerance

I learned that very often the most intolerant and narrow-minded people are the ones who congratulate themselves on their tolerance and open-mindedness.

Back in the 1970s I knew an enlightened young woman from a very small town in Texas who made this comment about stereotypes and intolerance. "I'm not prejudiced against Blacks because they are born Black.  I am not prejudiced against Mexicans because they are born Mexican.  But I am prejudiced against Baptists.  Being Baptist is a choice and it is OK to be prejudiced against people for what they choose to believe or to be." There was a lot of truth in this young woman's statement. Guess I don't need to mention she wasn't a Baptist.  This discussion was obviously about religions (and some local religious leaders exhibiting questionable behavior), but it could have just as easily been about so much beyond religion.

Perhaps the only thing it is truly OK to be intolerant or prejudiced against is intolerance.  And, doesn't it really piss you off personally when someone lumps you into an intolerant stereotype you are not a part. 

Being a southern white male of a certain age it is often assumed by many that I must be an AM radio, Fox News Republican (just to give one example).  I am pretty far from this stereotype, but the real point is we all want to judged on who we are and not preconceptions.

As I get older, I find myself much more intolerant of intolerance and very likely to voice my opinions when someone starts to espouse their views or beliefs. When they are not able to substantiate views or beliefs with facts, I will present them with whatever facts I happen to have at hand or many times simply point to their own lack of factual information. And, point to the fallacies of their views or beliefs.

Speak up against intolerance. Question views, opinions and beliefs. We will all be better for it.


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