Recently met up with some long lost cousins. Shared some photos and stories with them. This is mostly for my children, nieces, nephews and those cousins for whom Clint McIntire would have been their great grandfather. Many others will remember Granddad as well.
Granddad was the only janitor for a few years at the school in Tolar during a time when there were only about 200 students in all 12 grades combined. The kids all called him Smitty. He was so popular with the student body the school yearbook was once dedicated to him.
One his duties as janitor was helping with the school cafeteria clean up during lunch. He would stand near the exit emptying and stacking plates as the students exited. One day, when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade and the entire cafeteria was filled with only the first few grades, we heard this loud blowing noise. It sounded something like air coming out of a balloon. A few of us kids looked over in Granddad's direction where the sound was coming from. Smitty had blown his nose into a large white handkerchief and was proceeding to wipe his nose and put the handkerchief back in his pocket. A couple of minutes later the whole process repeated, only slightly louder and longer. All the kids were watching this time with a few giggles. The third time was even louder and longer and this time the entire room erupted in howls of laughter. After all, there is nothing funnier to a 7 or 8 year old than any bodily function sound.
Granddad had a noise maker, the kind you use to blow into with a very soft rubber tube on the end. This was concealed in the hankerchief.
To my kids, cousins, nieces and nephews enjoy the story. And, realize there may be a genetic link to your off the wall behavior.
Granddad was the only janitor for a few years at the school in Tolar during a time when there were only about 200 students in all 12 grades combined. The kids all called him Smitty. He was so popular with the student body the school yearbook was once dedicated to him.
One his duties as janitor was helping with the school cafeteria clean up during lunch. He would stand near the exit emptying and stacking plates as the students exited. One day, when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade and the entire cafeteria was filled with only the first few grades, we heard this loud blowing noise. It sounded something like air coming out of a balloon. A few of us kids looked over in Granddad's direction where the sound was coming from. Smitty had blown his nose into a large white handkerchief and was proceeding to wipe his nose and put the handkerchief back in his pocket. A couple of minutes later the whole process repeated, only slightly louder and longer. All the kids were watching this time with a few giggles. The third time was even louder and longer and this time the entire room erupted in howls of laughter. After all, there is nothing funnier to a 7 or 8 year old than any bodily function sound.
Granddad had a noise maker, the kind you use to blow into with a very soft rubber tube on the end. This was concealed in the hankerchief.
