The Air We Breath (Cough, Wheeze)

Had a friend a few years ago who grew up in the Port Arthur Beaumont area in the 1960s. She used to tell a story about the day she went outside and her pantyhose melted. The part of the story you discovered later was the pantyhose were hanging on a clothes line instead of being worn.  But, enough organic solvents in the air to melt pantyhose is remarkably scary.  There is a pretty good chance if you knew a few people from this area from during time frame (and for many years afterwards), you either know somebody or know somebody that knows somebody with leukemia or a similar serious illness.

Fast forward 40 years, Tarrant County now has the worst air in the State. Increased vehicles, gas well extraction pumps and fracking in the immediate area are causing problems. Cement kilns and power plants downwind also make significant negative contributions to our air quality.  Asthma and respiratory rates are way above the rest of the State.

If interested and concerned, this looks it might be an interesting presentation about one of the big contributors to air problems.

We all need to be aware and doing something in North Texas before our panthose melts.


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