How are you voting?

In Texas until the past few years, much of the State prohibited the sale of alcohol.  Pundits would sometimes say "Texans will vote dry as long they not too drunk to stagger to the polls".  One of the small towns very near where I grew up had a wet dry election about 1970. Someone related an actual conversation between two, who could be best be described as a good Baptist brother GBB and the town drunk TD.

GBB "How are you voting on the alcohol proposal?"
TD "I am voting just like you."
GBB "Didn't think you would be voting to stay dry."
TD "No, I meant just like you I am voting the way I like"
GBB "Oh"
The town voted wet. This is the same town from the post (What is this World Coming to?)

As election time is approaching. I am sure to be asked how I am voting by some of my AM Radio Conservative AMRC relatives, friends and neighbors or perhaps even by a GBB.

AMRC "Terry Dean how are you voting?"
TD "I am voting just like you."


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