Canadian Badlands

A trip to the Calgary area wouldn't be complete without a side trip to the badlands. Nancy was a little skeptical, but it turned out to be a highlight of our trip. We used GPS driving guide that was so helpful and entertaining I am thinking of contacting them to put one together for the area where I grew up. Day started in the Rockies. Sunrise from hotel window. Wheat fields as far as you can see. As a teen I fantizied running a wheat combine and following the harvest. Too busy on our own farm to pursue, but took a minute to admire the combines on the way to our destination. Irricana is a town of about 1,000, with murals painted everywhere. Just off the highway along the way. This one reminded me of an old pick up I drove for a while, many years ago. Royal Tyrrell Musem in Drumheller is a world class musem of natural history and possibly the best dinosaur musem exhibit in the world. ...