Canadian Badlands
A trip to the Calgary area wouldn't be complete without a side trip to the badlands. Nancy was a little skeptical, but it turned out to be a highlight of our trip. We used GPS driving guide that was so helpful and entertaining I am thinking of contacting them to put one together for the area where I grew up.

Irricana is a town of about 1,000, with murals painted everywhere. Just off the highway along the way. This one reminded me of an old pick up I drove for a while, many years ago.
Royal Tyrrell Musem in Drumheller is a world class musem of natural history and possibly the best dinosaur musem exhibit in the world.
Illustration of time near entrance, beginning with the big bang, putting life on Earth into perspective.

The canyons of the badlands.
Ferry over river, only a few of these left...

Foot suspension bridge once used by coal miners going from town to the mines. There were almost 140 mines here at one time, all gone now.