Sleepless in 2017

Being of a certain age, I wake frequently in the night.  Until the past few months, I would fall asleep again quickly.  Now when I wake, unanswered questions and disturbing thoughts keep me awake, sometimes for hours. In no particular order, some of the following contribute to my insomnia.

Why are the most intolerant people I know also the ones who profess to be the most religious? If you want to find homophobes, racists, xenophobes, etc. look to your friends, acquaintances, and relatives who are most devout.  These same people wonder why the fastest growing religious belief is none at all.  They should look in the mirror or listen to themselves. And why do the same religious groups attract the very ones being castigated? If you have black or brown skin and end up in the afterlife next door to a white supremacist, what now?

Why do so many think the remedy for gun violence is more guns in the hands of more people? If only the kindergarten students at Sandy Hook had been carrying semiautomatic weapons with high capacity magazines.  Although I admit to personally knowing several people who successfully defended themselves with guns. These people defended against internal demons with the act of suicide.

Why is there support for having a thin skinned, vindictive con man as the leader of our country? So many things are quickly getting worse for the poor, the sick, women, children, the environment, foreign relations, etc. etc.

Why is there a disregard for the environment by so many of our State and country leaders? It's as if the quality of the air we breathe and the water we drink don’t matter, never mind the effects of climate change.

Why do so many reject science?  Belief never trump facts. As I have seen on a T-Shirt, “science is not an alternative fact”.

This is the short list. Am treating my insomnia by contributing to more causes and groups. And, becoming more politically active.  You may find me writing letters, marching for good causes and encouraging others to do the same.  Just hope some of these things begin changing in a better direction so I can sleep again.


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