Blog to Blook

“A day will come when the story inside you will want to breathe on its own. That’s when you will start writing.” Sarah Noffke

Started Pulltight blog in 2005 and have kept the entries online with blogger over the years. Many times I wrote straight into the site with no other documentation. That there was no backup or hard copy of Pulltight started to be somewhat concerning as the years passed; there are a few stories I might not recall or record again if lost. Admittedly much of the blog has been just day to day thoughts on random topics.  But a few of the stories, particularly about old friends, Paluxy or family could be worth remembering and easily it could all be lost. My son started bugging me about making a backup a few months ago. Then he asks for a hard copy for his birthday.  This was the tipping point for converting to a hard copy.

Decided to have it bound and make an actual hard copy (Book? Blook?) In chronological order from the date of the first post.  Since there are multiple entries for some topics, this seemed to make the most sense. My apologies should go to all who have read (tried to read) more than one or two entries.   With the Blook (I will call it this); the sometimes very bad grammar and spelling were corrected.  Maybe I should have proofread better the first time.  Also, anywhere I changed names in the original post to protect the innocent or guilty, I changed them back to real names.  The people of these posts are either deceased or the statute of limitations is expired. And with the Blook, all entries with just links, expired links including photos from the web were eliminated. Hopefully, making it easier to read.

To any who are interested, I could furnish a pdf of the finished product. Just let me know. Or, I have a very small number of bound copies.  Have more project ideas in mind including, a book of Dad’s life (see Cicada post), a book of mostly just Paluxy stories and the story of Save the Paluxy Dinosaur Valley.


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