
Our work preferences and our life preferences do not stay the same, because we do not stay the same.
― David Epstein, Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World

A must-read for everyone, but even more important for younger readers. A very readable enjoyable book illustrated with a series of stories, showing increased success and increased satisfaction with life by trying and doing many things versus specializing at an early point and never changing. I think of the impact this book could have on lives. It is the book for our times the same way Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence was in the 1970s. If you read, enjoyed and spent time thinking about the Undoing Project, this should be your next book but read anyway, you will be glad you did.

In a wicked world, relying upon experience from a single domain is not only limiting, it can be disastrous.” 



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