Work out number 500

I was already a Medicare recipient for my first Camp Gladiator workout. Attended a presentation and thought why not give it a try.  My only exercise for the past few years was the occasional bike ride.  Got out of bed with joints popping and an aching back each morning. I was also considering surgery for a chronically swollen and enlarged joint in one of my feet. Although everyone at Camp Gladiator was always very supportive, I suspect many thought, “What is this old guy doing here, he will be gone soon.”

Made it through the first workout without throwing up or passing out (a co-camper generously reminded me she was a nurse well versed in CPR).  Struggled to finish sets with 8 lb. dumbbells and mostly walked warm-up laps.  Didn’t think my joints would hold up to this kind of work out even if the rest of me did.

Fast forward about 3 ½ years.  I now struggle with 20 lb. dumbbells and can do most of the running.  I have lost 15-20 lbs.  Not only did my joints survive, previous pain almost completely went away.  Back pain is mostly nonexistent. Swelling my foot diminished, no longer considering or needing surgery.

I would encourage all no matter your level of fitness or age to give Camp Gladiator a try.  Although you may be miserable for an hour 3 or 4 days per week, you will be surprised how much better you feel the rest of the hours of the week. My life is better and yours could be too.
Thanks Camp Gladiator.  And, special thanks to Henry my trainer who has helped so much.


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