Maybe it's not the ducks that are daffy

There are a pair of ducks who take up residence in our neighborhood each year.  They can very often be seen in a yard, the creek behind the houses or occasionally in our swimming pool (probably others as well).  Know the ducks and their habits much better than I know most of my neighbors.

Growing up in the rural south, it just good manners to wave to your neighbors if you meet them while driving, see them on the front porch, etc.  Driving on the very rural roads, you would probably wave a greeting even if you didn't recognize the other driver.  This has carried over with me to the urban area where I now live.  As people become familar, I will wave a greeting.

Which brings me back to the ducks.  On a recent morning as I drove from home (preoccupied with something), I saw the ducks in a neighbors yard.  I waved at the ducks.  As soon as I did this, I looked around to make sure no one saw me.  And, for the record the ducks didn't wave back.

Don't know the first sign you are losing you mind, but it might just be waving a greeting to a pair of ducks.


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