“You asked the impossible of a machine and the machine complied.” 
― Kurt Vonnegut Jr.The Sirens of Titan

Most of the recent books and many news stories I am reading (or listening) are at least somewhat related to Artificial Intelligence. Truly amazing subject matter for where we have arrived and where we may be headed.
It seems to be advancing at an ever-increasing rate. Here are some of the AI-related observations I have made in just the past week.
  • Two chatbots at Facebook created a new language to communicate with each other
  • A humanoid robot was granted citizenship in Saudia Arabia
  • Heard artificial intelligence mentioned in a lecture not directly related to AI
  • An interactive toy  from Mattel was pulled from production because of the privacy concerns 
  • Noticed an ad for an Account Representative for IBM Watson in the Dallas area
You often hear concerns about AI and robotics taking away jobs.  And, most of us think about blue collar jobs.  But it is fast becoming the case that AI can make more accurate decisions in medical diagnosis and also could make more fair and consistent decisions in law.

Alexis, how do we keep artificial intelligence from taking over our lives?


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