
Started the day with a flat tire.  Don't have nearly as many flats as in time past, but they are more of a pain when they occur.  Get out the miniature spare that doesn't look safe  enough to drive on and then searched for some place that repairs flats.

When I was a kid we either fixed ourselves with something like Monkey Grip (consisting a glue a piece of rubber and a rasp) or took the tire one of the two full service stations in Tolar and got a hot patch on the inner tube. Remember the hot patch as small metal container with some sort of chemicals. Whoever patched would clamp the metal to the tube and then ignite the chemicals with a match or his cigarette. Think I remember it costing $0.25 or $0.50.

When I finally found someone to fix today, it was a relative bargain at $10.00 after convincing the repair shop I didn't want or need a new tire.

Read we are just a few years from tires that never go flat or that are actually made as part of the wheel. Can't wait.


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