Vasili Arkhipov, Savior of the World

"This was not only the most dangerous moment of the Cold War. It was the most dangerous moment in human history."
Arthur M. Schlesinger advisor to the John F. Kennedy administration

I am currently listening to the audio version of a book about artificial intelligence (AI). Much of the book is about the safety of artificial intellignece. The potential of AI and the evolving technology for military or terrorist is truly frightening.

There is a discussion of military mishaps resulting from misinterpretation of information resulting in many accidents.  Some of these have involved multiple fatalities such as the accidental downing of civilian aircraft. 

10/27/1962 - Then, there is the discussion of  B-59, a Russian submarine with nuclear missiles during the Cuban Missle Crisis. The sub was too deep in international waters for radio contact.  The US Navy began dropping depth charges in an attempt to bring it to the surface. The submarine captain thinking war had started ordered the firing of a nuclear missile at the US. Before the missile could be launched it needed the approval of the political officer onboard and Arkhipov who was also onboard.  The only vote against the missile launch was from Arkhipov.  His vote against the launch may have saved the world as there is credible speculation this would have led to an all-out nuclear war.
I had never heard of him before, but the information is easy to find and verify. Some, many, most or all us might not be here today if not for his vote against the launch. And, it doesn't make it any easier to sleep thinking of who holds nuclear codes here and around the world today.


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