Food and Drag Racing

About once a month I buy coffee from a world-class coffee roaster who happens to be not far from where I work. Coffee is always roasted the same day as ordered and always very good.  Discovered Rodaks a couple years ago

Marvin Rodak an I have become friends, exchanging stories, cooking tips, etc. He is quite the fan of drag racing. A couple of months ago, Marvin suggested I come to his annual meet and greet for the drag racing teams coming to town.  There would be barbeque, beer, racing crews, and fans  Not a particular fan of racing myself, but suspected the food would be good and the attendees might be interesting.

Last Thursday was the night.  A couple of factory grill reps for were cooking (competing?) as well as Marvin.  All in attendance were quite interesting and shared a love for good food.  And the food was excellent, beginning with grilled oysters and ending with grilled pound cake with all sorts of dishes in between. Everything prepared on the grill and most of it as we sat around outside of the open garage door of Marvin's shop.

Somewhere on planet Earth, someone may have enjoyed a meal more than I did on Thursday evening. But, probably not.


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